by daveherman | May 7, 2009 |, Athleticity, Dave Herman, Golf Fitness, Nike, Performance Training, S5 Bands, Sports Performance
Dave and Arjun up at the Steadman Hawkins Clinic working with shoulder sports rehab specialist Chuck Thigpen of ProAxis Therapy. Dave and Sports Medicine shoulder guru Dr. Richard Hawkin’s of the Steadman Hawkins Clinic after a short demo of bandwork with the...
by daveherman | May 4, 2009 |, Athleticity, Dave Herman, Golf Fitness, Nike, Performance Training, S5 Bands, Sports Performance
In the Girls Division, Yueer “Cindy” Feng jumped to an early lead with an opening round of one-under par 70 for a two-stroke lead over Carlton Kuhlo. Scorching the course with a five-under par 66, Fengshattered the Girls 13-15 Division record for the final round...
by daveherman | May 2, 2009 |, Athleticity, Dave Herman, Golf Fitness, Nike, Performance Training, S5 Bands, Sports Performance
Athletes Training Jhared Hack won his first professional tour event today on the EGolf Professional Tour. His first win came at the Snap Fitness Open. With an opening round of 64 followed by 67 on day two, Hack posted a -2 70 to win by 1 stroke....
by daveherman | Apr 30, 2009 |, Athleticity, Dave Herman, Golf Fitness, Nike, Performance Training, S5 Bands, Sports Performance
Suzann Ripping out back at the Leadbetter Academy this afternoon in Orlando at ChampionsGate.
by daveherman | Apr 30, 2009 |, Athleticity, Dave Herman, Golf Fitness, Nike, Performance Training, S5 Bands, Sports Performance
[youtube=]Dave, Lyndsey and Rennae relaxing after swinging some chains and pulling on some bands at the Harbour Island Athletic Club in Tampa.
by daveherman | Apr 30, 2009 |, Athleticity, Dave Herman, Golf Fitness, Nike, Performance Training, S5 Bands, Sports Performance
Kristina Wong and Trainer Dave Herman keeping her flexible will keep her focused!